Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hello Ladies!

I am obviously missing tonight as I was just checking the blog thinking we meet next week.....The Tuesdays sure sneak up on me, I don't know how time flies so fast!
I will see you next month at Liz's house :) Thanks for hosting this month Marnie!

Seems like the poll is closed (?). I'll be there tonight, but can't seem to auto-rsvp using the poll...
Anyhow--see you tonight.

Monday, October 19, 2009


HI all, sorry to say, but I won't be there tomorrow. We have a double booking in our house... alas, no book club for moi demain soir.

As for next month, I would like to host on November 24th, which is the last Tuesday of the month.

And for the future... could we settle as a club if we are meeting the third or last Tues. of the month. That would be helpful for me.

have a great time tomorrow. Liz Girard

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Copies of next book?

If anyone has a copy of November's book, In the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts, that they have finished reading and are willing to lend, please bring to BookClub at Marnie's house Tuesday.

I would love to borrow it, and I am sure there may be other's in need too?