Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Deloume Road-it's official!!!

I'm excited to announce that Matthew Hooton is going to come to our book club meeting on Tuesday, June 22nd!!! Yippee!!! (I'm happy to host, by the way.)

Let me know if you want me to include you in my Amazon order by this Friday.

What a great way to celebrate the summer solstice!

Also, Matthew wanted me to pass on the fact that he's doing a reading with Yann Martel in Victoria on April 27th.


  1. thanks for this Karen! btw, who will be hosting this one?

  2. I am happy to host!!! I'm sorry I didn't make that clear! I'll add that info to the post!

  3. maybe it would be fitting to read Yann Martel's book for May as he is reading with our june author! is that a sign?

  4. Thanks for organizing it Karen! I am 60 pages into What is Steven Harper Reading it makes me giggle the odd time! Is this the Yann book we are speaking of?
