Sunday, March 28, 2010

Deloume Road Update

Success! I've begun a conversation with Matthew Hooton and he is honoured that the Afictionados have chosen his book to read. The good news is that he would like to come to our meeting; the bad news is that he's going to be tied up with book readings and his UK launch for the next couple of months. Also, there are no book deals to be had through him, but he suggested going the Amazon route & taking advantage of the free shipping.

At any rate, he seems keen to make it happen, so I'm hoping that his next communique will contain a potential meeting date. (I'm guessing June or September.)

In the meantime, I think Melanie had a back-up book suggestion for May, but I've forgotten what it is. Anyone?

I'll keep you posted on the Hooton front. Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I have gone ahead and bought the book so I will read it next and pass it along.
